Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Raber Eye Care located?

We are located at 3693 Kidron Road in the village of Kidron. (Some web-based searches list our location in the city of Dalton; however, our office is really in Kidron!) We are located 3 miles south of U.S. Route 30, approximately halfway between Massillon and Wooster. The office is in the upper level of The Alpine Center. Need help finding us? Call 330-857-0123

Do I need an appointment to pick up my glasses?

No! You may pick up your glasses anytime during our regular business hours.

Can you mail my contact lenses to me?

Yes! If it is more convenient for you, we are glad to mail your boxes of contacts to your home. There is a $3.75 postage charge.

Do you accept my insurance?

We are an in-network provider with many (but not all) insurance plans. When calling to schedule your appointment, let us know if you have a medical insurance plan or a vision benefit plan. These two types of plans can be different from each other. Our staff is happy to assist you in getting the full benefit of your plan.

Do you treat eye injuries and pink eye?

Yes. Our office is equipped to take care of eye injuries, including foreign material stuck in your eye. Medications are prescribed for the various causes of pink eye.

Do you provide emergency eye care?

Yes. If you have a sudden change in vision, a red or painful eye, or other strange visual symptoms, it is always best to call our office immediately. Some eye conditions require prompt attention.

Do I need to bring a copy of my previous records?

When you visit out office as a new patient, we will ask you about your prior eye care. Most of the time a written report is not necessary, but if we determine it is needed, we will have you sign a release to obtain previous records.

Do you repair eyeglasses?

Yes. In fact, we encourage our patients to bring in their glasses for repairs or adjustments.Our trained staff, using the proper tools, can often get the best results when glasses are in need of some extra attention.

Have Additional Questions?    We are here to help.

Raber Eye Care  - We are here to help!

If you have any additional questions concerning the development or care of your eyes, please take some time and visit the links below.

Call Us - (330) 857-0123

Email Us - Ask your questions by email

Request an Appointment - Schedule an exam or appointment

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Hours of Operation

Kidron Office


8:30 am-6:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm



